Last week, the Xperience Real Estate Team returned from Keller Williams Family Reunion where we joined 17,000 agents from across the globe at the real estate industry’s premiere training event. Just as important as the training, we “xperienced” our team’s culture, growing as individuals and as a team! Congratulations to our Xperience leaders who represented our team on more than a dozen panels: Chris Suarez, Katie Benson, Holly Priestner, Phil Gazca, Marley Jackman and Tiffanie Coon. This week’s Friday Partner Call focused on our team’s biggest AHA’s from Family Reunion.
• Identify the key influencers in your business and treat them to a much higher level of service.
• We cannot win with just names or just relationships. You have to have both.
• When to connect with people
– Between 4-6pm is the best time to make a contact. Between 8-9am and 4-5pm is the best time to qualify. Before 11am people are most likely to say “yes.”
• Your life is defined by the “no’s” that you say. We think growth means addition, yet growth should involve subtraction and elimination. Sometimes that means saying no.
• How do you determine what you say “yes” to versus what you say “no” to?
Ask yourself:
1- Does this align with my life’s values?
2- Does this align with a goal I set for in an area of my life?
3- How will this help me achieve a goal for an area of my life?
4- Is it worth taking time for this commitment if you know this will cause another area of your life to suffer?
5- What am I trying to accomplish by committing my time to this?
• Following the plan:
1- Plans fail when they get complicated.
2- Keep it simple.
3- Focus on growing the business then on running it.
4- Let the complexity show up naturally as your success requires attention to detail.
• The stories that we tell ourselves either give implicit limits or possibilities. Does your story allow you to be the fullest that you can be. There is a benefit to every event, even the truly horrible things equip us to deal with future situations.
• It takes 1,000 no’s in order to get to that 1 yes.
• We don’t arrive by doing it alone. We arrive by bringing others with us.
• We have to stop making our lives about the destination and start enjoy the journey.
• Taking time for a break gives you clarity.
• What is the purpose of a goal? It is not to have a bigger goal than the agent next to you. It is to be appropriate in the moment.
• Really looking at your priorities and putting them in order. Are they in the right order? Are you taking the first one and knocking it out of the park? Or are you working at all 3 of them at the same time? You have 3 priorities on a 1-3-5 but what is the priority I am working on today? What priority am I working on this week?
• You don’t have the right to move on to the next priority until you’ve completed the first one.• There is a huge difference between customer service and customer experience. What customer experience are we actually delivering for our clients?
• Don’t label them as “past clients.” That means that the customer experience has ended, and it never should.
• Constantly monitor Facebook for impactful moments. Let’s say you have a client who is training for a marathon. They will call them and congratulate them for completing the marathon. You can take the Facebook picture of them crossing the finish line, print it, frame it and send it to that client. Obviously, that was a big moment for them, we should honor that.
• Don’t ask for a referral. Ask for an introduction. You are 99% more likely to get that introduction.
• Figuring out I made the right decision joining Keller Williams and joining Xperience.If you didn’t make Family Reunion this year, listen to this week’s Xperience Friday Partner Call by clicking here to get a glimpse into our team’s “xperience.”