Rest Up For Your Fresh Start

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Many of us are celebrating a long weekend. It’s Labor Day weekend.

It’s a special time of year! What makes it special is that it sets us up for a phenomenon on the Tuesday after – called the fresh start effect.

Let’s explore more about the fresh start effect and how to take full advantage of it to gain tremendous momentum toward end of year accomplishments.

What’s the Fresh Start Effect

Researcher & author Katy Milkman coined the concept “fresh start effect” after seeing how people change activities around the beginning of new things. Typically, the fresh start effect kicks in around new life events – jobs, marriages, children, etc. and calendar events – new years, birthdays, change of seasons, new months, new weeks, etc.

We perceive a “rebirth” or sorts around these events. We give ourselves permission to let go of the past and look toward the future unbridled by our past. Because of that, we look to the future with optimism and like anything is possible for us. It actually feels like a fresh start.

Why Labor Day is a Huge Fresh Start

Labor Day has tons of calendar significance. First, it’s the start of a new month. And it’s the unofficial beginning of fall. So, in one weekend, we get the start of a brand new month and the start of a new season. Plus, autumn feels like a back-to-work time since the world comes back from the summer vacations, kids go back to school and we settle into more rhythms & routines.

In fact, I see higher attendance at events around work and recreation. In the past weeks since schools in our area went back to school, the yoga class I attended has doubled in size. That shows this time of year, people get back to or have a greater capacity to come back to routines.

These routines are happening even before the new month and the start of the fall season, signifying that coupling our routines with the timing of the new month and new season, Labor Day has tremendous fresh start effect potential.

How to Take Advantage of the Fresh Start Effect

In order to perform at your best, we must be ready to perform at our best. That means we need to be rested physically, regulated emotionally, primed mentally.

Over a holiday weekend like Labor Day, many people take time & energy off. That’s a great idea. Give your body physical rest during the weekend so that you’re physically ready for the start of the week. What mental & emotional distance can you take from your work this weekend? What are your tools of regulating how you think and your emotions?

Take intentional time this weekend to reset and recharge so that you have the physical, emotional & mental energies to start off running after the holiday.

Prepare for the Fresh Start

Consider what you want to accomplish between now and the end of the year. Look at all the areas of your life. Where are you at in terms of your career goals or projects? What about your physical & mental health? Wealth? Be able to answer the question where you are now and where you want to be.

Once you understand the gap between your reality today and where you want to be, you can know what you need to accomplish before the end of the year. What are the actions that will allow you to close that gap? What does that look like for you to close that gap?

Make a plan to incorporate those actions into new routines. Feel the optimism and opportunity that a new season and new month brings.

On this long holiday weekend, give yourself the permission to get the restful prep you need to hit the ground running, taking full advantage of the fresh start effect that will be new energy to your life come Tuesday.

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