Jeannette Spinelli, CEO of Spinelli Residential Group powered by Xperience in Austin TX, recently returned from a trip to Mexico and shared a big takeaway. This friendly seal pictured above was much more calculated than one may think. Jeannette was on her way back from fishing in the Sea of Cortez, and the seal quickly jumped on the back of their boat. Their guide fed him a fish and they watched the seal disembark the vessel. However, this wasn’t an isolated incident. She watched as that same seal did it over and over again; unsuspecting boats were picking up this stowaway.
Their guide explained to them that even though there’s the vast ocean with infinite amount of fish, the seals return to the harbor every day since they have proven methods of acquiring fish to eat there.
Jeannette talks about how purposeful the seals were in their actions. She drew the correlation to that of agents and prospecting. There are systems in place from agents before us that are proven methods. Jeannette says to ask yourself these three questions;
Are you using the system where we know from agents before you, you will find prospects?
Are you “fishing” in the right places?
Are you following up with every opportunity just like the seal jumping on every boat entering the harbor?
Xperience Real Estate developed the lead gen levers because the systems and models are proven to work. It’s not necessary to reinvent the wheel every time, we give you the tools to build your business. Each lead gen lever is a proven strategy used everyday by Xperience partners to grow their business.
Thank you for sharing your story, Jeannette!