You can’t be disruptive and then stop being disruptive…You have to blow stuff up.
Your business cannot get tired.
–Gary Keller
Wow, what an amazing KW Family Reunion 2020! We are still riding that high from learning and GROWING with one another! Congrats to all our partners for their mega success in 2019. In ALL of Keller Williams expansion we were recognized as: #3 for Gross Commission Income, #4 in Closed Units and our Austin, Texas location was recognized as the #1 expansion location for Gross Commission Income! Another huge shoutout to our new PLACE Inc partners, Ben Kinney Companies, on their #1. We are starting our partnership from a rock solid PLACE! Today, we are going to explore some of the many takeaways our partners “xperienced” over the weekend.
Barb Dopp, CEO of Agents With A Smile in Boise, Idaho says that her biggest takeaway was that your “business grows to the extent that you do.” She said learning that was extremely important for her. You must love the people you work with and that the person you are, is the people you will attract. Personal growth is everything and relationships are everything. Being your best has no ceiling. Thanks for sharing, Barb!
John Powers, Director of Sales for Xperience says the statements that resonated most with him are, “Leaders are not problem solvers, but leaders are problem givers.” You can’t just solve everything for people. In a leadership session he said, “It’s not what you get, it’s what you become.” One tactical piece he took away and plans to implement is, after you get your listing contract signed, ask WHY they decided to go with your services. It is a simple question that can be so enlightening. Powerful takeaways, John!
Alex Frank, Partner in Houston, TX said Ben Kinney stated “When someone leaves your organization, love on the people that stayed.” Alex attributed this to his clients; when a client decides to go with someone else, give attention to your current and past clients. Make their experience with you even better. Awesome words, Alex!
Katie Benson, Director of Expansion for Xperience says her takeaway is that if you want to attract talent, you have to be top talent. The onus is on the leaders to attract that top talent. You don’t want to work with people with low ceilings! Thanks Katie!
Joel Fisher, Director of Operations for The Williams Team in Austin, TX attended a breakout on helping people have a BIG life and it made him understand that he didn’t have that defined for him personally. He worked to create a personal mission during the breakout and described how powerful it is to see that definition on paper. It can be easy to fall into a trap of someone else’s mission. As a Director of Operations, it’s important to help people on your team discover this as well! Looking forward to seeing how this goes, Joel!
Hannah Novak, Partner with the PDX Group in Portland Oregon says the takeaway around thinking bigger is key for her. An important way to do this is write down your values and put them at the top of your 411. “All the things we are grateful are, will repeat.” Thanks for sharing, Hannah!
Nicole Anthony, Partner with the Charlotte Mabry Team in Chattanooga Tennessee says sometimes when you get a commission check, it’s tempting to go spend that! A breakout she attended said, “The profit you seek, is in the expenses you manage. Every expense is the opportunity to gain profit or rob you from it.” Nicole says it’s about being purposeful and intentional and reinvesting in yourself. Profit is the competitive weapon. Love this, Nicole!
Melanie Wilder, Director of Operations for Spinelli Residential Group in Austin, TX “First, you get lucky, then you find opportunities, and then people are looking to you for opportunities” “Your kids won’t remember what you made for dinner, all they will remember is that you ate with them.” Amazing lesson, Melanie!
Deldi Ortegon, CEO of The Deldi Ortegon Group in McAllen, TX said she had a conversation about splits with someone and realized, if someone is not doing the work, then she is taking from them. She is not adding value for them- you have to show up for them as a leader and hold yourself to a higher standard. DO THE WORK. “When people are not doing the best, our mission is in jeopardy.” Thanks Deldi!
Heather McGee, Director of Operations for the PDX Group in Portland, Oregon said The Lead Generation Through Clients breakout was particularly insightful – Heather says “We are really good at inviting and following-up with our clients for events. BUT, we need to stay in constant contact with those who are saying they will be there and then don’t show up because they think we won’t notice.” Very good takeaway, Heather!