Stillness is the Key

Nald Guevarrablogposts

Ryan Holiday’s new book “Stillness is the Key”. This book explores the philosophy of Stoicism and the dichotomy of control.

Target Chuting

Nald Guevarrablogposts

If there is one thing we know about real estate is that it is a game of timing and questions. Do we connect with the right people and do we ask the right questions to them?

Pricing in a Shifted Market

Nald Guevarrablogposts

Successful pricing means getting the maximum price NOW for the house. Getting a maximum price NOW doesn’t necessarily mean getting the maximum price possible.

How to Fall in Love with Boredom

Nald Guevarrablogposts

There is said to be little hope for falling in love with a habit that you truly hate. It doesn’t add up and doesn’t make sense.

Presenting Your Price

Nald Guevarrablogposts

Matt Tully spoke onstage about the importance of pricing right and the best practices to utilize when presenting your price.

Power Into Production Panel

Nald Guevarrablogposts

“We can only move forward if we stay in the present. We can let these things ruin our day or we can brush off our knees, pick ourselves up and get back in the game.

Become the CEO

Nald Guevarrablogposts

During the Xperience Growth Summit, Xpercience CEO Chris Suarez led a breakout for the leaders of the mega agent teams who are powered by Xperience.