Find Your Way

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One of the values of Xperience is humility. On this Friday’s Partner Call, Xperience CEO Chris Suarez shared insights from Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, about why that humility is SO important for collaboration and for making changes that lead to achieving massive results.

AWE: And What Else is important to you?!

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On this Friday’s Partner Call, Director of Expansion Katie Benson interivewed Oregon based Xperience Partner Nate Sanford about how level two listening, identifying keywords and pushing to close helped secure a sizable FSBO listing.

Beating the Sale Fail in a Shift

Nald Guevarrablogposts

On this Friday’s Partner Call, Xperience CEO Chris Suarez dug into sale fails. While studying the trend reports for Xperience, Xperience’s partner mega agent teams and the five Keller Williams brokerages he owns, Chris noticed a trend, sales fails — the  percentage of deals that fell apart in May increased. What Chris realized is the best training he could provide is how to reduce the number of sale fails. 

Best piece of advice? Pick up the book Shift.

A Business Conversation with Gary Keller

Nald Guevarrablogposts

Xperience CEO Chris Suarez recently returned from a special mastermind with Keller Williams co-founder and CEO Gary Keller. On a recent Friday Partner Call, Chris shared a business conversation that drove home that even in the changing landscape of real estate, the fundamentals still apply. Below are some of Chris’ key takeaways and how they apply to Xperience.

Learners are Earners

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On this Friday’s Partner Call, Xperience CEO Chris Suarez interviewed Francis Zipeto, an Xperience Partner from Orlando, FL about his goals and his path to Xperience. Francis and his wife made a commitment to be 100% virtual and made investments in non-real estate companies and researched real estate options…he realized that Xperience is not like other expansion teams where one is simply joining a team to do production. He said, “Joining Xperience is like buying a franchise with no money down.”

Believe in Your Success

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On this Friday’s Partner Call, Xperience Real Estate’s Director of Expansion Katie Benson shared some tips for facing reality of where we are today, assessing what is holding us back and providing an action plan to move us forward.  

Say Yes Until You Can Say No

Nald Guevarrablogposts

Derek Shivers, founder of CD Baby, has an interesting perspective about saying no. Early in his career he said yes to every gig as he wanted to be a professional musician. He played at a pig farm, he played an art opening, played at a circus. He took a $60 bus fare out to the gig that paid them $75 and then went back home. He took this circus gig and he wound up being in that show for 10 years…from age 18 to 28. He went from $75 a show to $300 a show and it became his full-time job. He eventually bought his first house on the money he made playing at the circus. He said yes to the circus gig so he could “earn the right” to say no and to say yes to the things that would fuel his passion and mission.

Mastery or Constant Growth?

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They say it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at anything. That works really well if you’re Serena Williams and you know the lines on the court or rules of tennis are not changing. Serena can go out there and practice the same game every day for 10,000 hours. But in business that just doesn’t work. The game is constantly changing. The rules are constantly changing. The technology is constantly changing. Our industries are constantly changing.

Behaviors & The Goldilocks Rule

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James Clear sheds incredible light on behavior and what we can learn from successful people. Xperience continues to do deep dives into his content, such as the story and lesson below. In 1955, Disneyland had just opened in Anaheim, California, when a ten-year-old boy walked in and asked for a job. The boy managed to land a position selling guidebooks.