By: Kristen & Carter Williams, Director of Xperience Growth Coaching
What does it mean to live Xperientially? If you show up strong on social media with pics of trips and the perfect family pics and gourmet food pics… does that mean that you’re living Xperientially?
And it’s a lot more than that. To truly live Xperientially, we must create a world in which we take care of foundational pillars of our life that bring us the most joy AND allow for long term sustainability. We believe that living Xperientially means that you have elements of all six pillars in your life:
Personal Growth
In your career, are you doing something that you’re passionate about? Passion leads to engagement. A Gallup study shows that highly engaged workplaces saw 41% lower absenteeism.
And the majority — 33 percent — of those changing jobs cite boredom and the need for new challenges as the top reasons why they are leaving. While not every facet of your job will make you happy, the sum of your experience should leave you with more joy.
Our lives depend on our relationships. From the moment we’re born, we rely on others to help raise us, nurture us, care for us. No matter how independent or self-reliant we become, we will always accomplish more with the help of others. Robert Waldinger is a psychiatrist and is currently directing the Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the most comprehensive studies of emotional well-being in history. The study has now spanned more than 80 years and the result is an abundance of data on physical, mental, and emotional health. So, what does Waldinger have to say when asked to present his conclusions on this unprecedented
study? He cited one message that came through loud and clear: “Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. Period.”
Wealth can be defined as freedom… or, said differently, the purpose of wealth is freedom. Those that live below their means enjoy a freedom that those who do not, don’t have. Many times, we think of wealth as only money. Yet, money and wealth are not the same. Money — be it pieces of paper or numbers on a screen — is a store of value. Wealth, on the other hand, is value itself. Money is how we transfer wealth. As depicted in the book The Millionaire Next Door, money is social credits that we get for exchanging services. In effect we exchange money for someone’s time.
People with a growth mindset are happier and healthier and tend to have higher rates of success in all other categories. Why? Growth minded people are solution oriented, they are learners, looking for better paths. Depression is lower, too, because if someone with a growth mindset has depression, they’re more likely to find a solution. Many growth minded people get to the top of the success ladder based on their thinking.
Health research can be summed up as the following: our overall health is determined 70% by the food we consume, 15% our movement and 15% by our rest. We’ve probably all heard before “you are what you eat” and the research echoes that cliche. Fuel, movement & rest are all interconnected, yet the fastest way to move the needle on health is to make better decisions on what you consume as fuel. It’s not that you have to be perfect, yet when we think of food as fuel and treat it as such, our health is positively affected.
Spirituality is, at its core, the connection between one’s mind, body & soul. Gary Keller teaches in Quantum Leap that he truly believes we’re spiritual beings having an earthly experience. Spirituality can mean a lot of things to each person so what we can focus on is creating a ritual that is meaningful to increase our connection with & renewal of the soul.
When we focus on these pillars in our life, undoubtedly, we’ll live Xperientially. These are the pillars that underpin and create the foundation on which to stand. And when we live atop these six pillars, those awesome social media pics will feel that much sweeter. Even if the picture is of that most recent fabulous dessert.