The Connector’s Way

Nald Guevarrablogposts

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With a theme focused around connection and relationships, the Xperience Growth Summit kicked off with a keynote speaker from author, Patrick Galvin who wrote The Connector’s Way.  

During an interactive and dynamic presentation, Patrick shared seven rules for building business one relationship at a time.

  1. Nurture body and mind to create positive energy and enthusiasm that attracts others. 

  2. Seek out individuals who expose you to new ways of thinking.

  3. Ask your connections how you can be of service to them.

  4. Serve others without consideration for how you will benefit. 

  5. Exceed expectations.

  6. Let people know how they can help you succeed.

  7. Be grateful.

Teaser…look for more collaboration with Patrick and Xperience in early 2020!