Strategies For Where We Are Going

Nald Guevarrablogposts

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For the strategies for where we are going, we will need to SHIFT.

1. Reduce expenses

2. Double lead gen

3. Triple lead conversion

4. Quadruple practice & training

Reduce Expenses

When we think about reducing expenses, you need to look at your personal finances. We should all be doing this. This is not a market of convenience so cut out conveniences that are not necessary.

Double your Lead Generation

Go into this knowing that it may take twice as much work to create appointments from lead generation. If someone walks into your open house, this person will be motivated. 

Open up your database. Interest rates are low. More people will be at home, kids will be at home, so they will be online shopping for a home or wondering what the value of their home is. 

Triple Lead Conversion

Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice your scripts, your buyer consults, your listing presentation. Setup virtual or online appointments. Follow-up by phone/text/email. People need your call. 

Fear changes peoples’ activities and they will be looking for some reassurance. The real estate industry has been amazing for a decade, but as a result, some people over extended themselves.  As a result, people are going to be looking to sell. 

Quadruple Training

Show up for training. Just show up! Again, it comes down to practice, practice, practice. Normalcy will bring calm to the situation we are in. 

The market share you lose in a shifting market, you will never get back.  The market share you gain in a shifting market, you will never give up.  


At the end of the day, it’s important to remember and act on these things; 

  1. Get closer and more connected to your teams. 

  2. Put yourself in the path of potential buyers and sellers.

  3. Call all old listing appointments and ask them if they have plans to sell their home in the next 12 months. Let them know, if so, now is the time.

  4. Call financial advisors that you know and let them know you are available to answer questions about the real estate market.

This is the best opportunity to take back power in our industry. We don’t know what’s going to change in the next 10 days or 10 years. Better yet, ask, what’s NOT going to change in the next 10 days. We can build our business on other human beings needing other human beings. People need a place to live, a shelter. Provide this for your clients. At this moment, the relationship is everything.