Vacation Mode Activated šŸ˜Ž

Xperience Growthblogposts

We took our first big family vacation in a year and a half this past week. We spent a week along the Texas coast with both family and friends. Our kids got both sets of grandparents under one roof for a few days, my dad and my daughter both celebrated birthdays, we spent time on the beach with friends. Lots of fun memories and experiences.

I was in vacation mode!

Most of us love being in vacation mode. My wife is fond of saying that she is her best self on vacation. I feel that way, tooā€¦ about myself, not about her… sheā€™s great all the time šŸ˜€

This begs the question: what are we like in vacation mode? We disconnect from our jobs and engage more with our family and friends. We feel less stress and a little lighter. Weā€™re excited about the fun things planned and we feel like weā€™re living on our terms. All that creates a happy feeling.

We want those feelings – happiness, carefree, living on our terms. A vacation certainly is a great time to experience that.

Yet, why donā€™t we experience that same level of happiness, carefree and living on our terms in ā€œreal lifeā€? In short, we can!

We are the same person on vacation as we are at home. The difference is what we create in our minds. On vacation we allow ourselves to experience general happiness; at home we can allow our jobs, familyā€¦ whateverā€¦ to create stress for us. We put pressure on ourselves to be it all, do it all and have it all. When we donā€™t live up that standard (because we canā€™tā€¦) we make it mean something about ourselves. And, we create that negativity ourselves.

So, if weā€™re the same person at home as we are on vacationā€¦ and on vacation weā€™re happy, carefree and living on our terms, we can do that in real life, too!

Usually, we allow jobs to be a leading cause of heartache and headache. Consider this: what part of your job do you loveā€¦ how can you do more of that? Happiness will likely be a result.

Be more carefree at work. Adopt the perspective of ā€œno failures, only feedbackā€ and the heaviness will lift. If you cannot make a mistake, what is there to worry about? Youā€™ll feel more free to go after bigger goals because fear of failure doesnā€™t hold you back.

Do work on your terms. Every day we have choices to makeā€¦ do you choose to go to work and do the activities necessary for you to be successful? If you make that choice, youā€™re living on your terms. We donā€™t always see it that way because we view a lot of work through the lens of ā€œI have toā€¦ā€ When you have to do something, you feel itā€™s being forced upon you; when you choose or get to do something, thatā€™s on your terms.

What perspectives can you have to see life more through vacation mode? What changes can you make to make everyday feel more like a vacation day?


When you do that, you can activate vacation mode anytime you choose.