“We exist as a real estate organization and expansion team to live our mission to build xperiential lives.” — Xperience CEO Chris Suarez After reading Values, Inc., Xperience CEO Chris Suarez immediately added a powerful section to the weekly Partner Calls. Each week, Xperience partners share how they witnessed someone live the team’s values. Taking it even one step further, any time that there are more than three Xperience partners in a group discussion, Chris encourages a values discussion before business conversations. Quoting the book, Chris says, “Values will create value.” Xperience is known for being a mission, vision and values driven organization. It was not surprising that Chris kicked off the 2018 Xperience Growth Summit with a session focused on mission, vision and values. A successful mission, vision and values is defined by three words:
Clarity: crystal clear about who you are
Consistency: consistent message about what you stand for (congruent)
Living: words come alive each day because of your actions
As a business leader, it’s important to GET INTO relationship with those who fit your mission, vision and values and to GET OUT OF business with those who do not fit. Studies show that values, community, health and faith lead to happiness. “Our mission is WHY we exist,” Chris passionately said as he discussed Xperience’s mission, vision and values. “We exist as a real estate organization and expansion team to live our mission to build xperiential lives. We want people to connect to that mission. That also means that every person on Xperience has to make money.” Vision is what the marketplace will look like after the company’s mission has been accomplished. From Xperience’s perspective, it’s imagining what our families, team and communities will look like when living xperiential lives. Values are the principles the company operates under to accomplish its mission and vision. During the Xperience Growth Summit opening session, Chris called on Xperience partners to share how they how they live Xperience’s mission, vision and GROWTH values:
Mission: Dawn Miller from Virginia Beach, VA shared her morning ritual that kicks off her day living an xperiential life.
Vision: Alex Frank from Houston, TX shared how his involvement in the Houston Rodeo builds “xperiences” for Houston children by raising millions of dollars for education scholarships.
Growth: Laurie Belair from Las Vegas, NV discusses how her business has grown and has allowed her to continue her personal mission as a foster mother.
Opportunity: Heather Skow of Boise, ID shared her intentionality around her leadership growth path.
Wealth: Paul Wong of Oakland, CA shared that wealth is about abundance, not just about money.
Gratitude: Ericka Fowler of Portland, OR described how gratitude has been a lifelong practice.
Humility: Real estate giant Charlotte Mabry of Chattanooga, TN is one of the most humble icons in our industry.
Giving: Director of Sales John Powers is a lifelong giver and is part of the inspiration around Xperience’s new non-profit, XperienceGiving.